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How Educators Learn Procedures: HELP

Classroom Management Issues, Instructional Issues, Administration Issues, and Professional Development Issues

Classroom Management Issues can be held to a minimum through strategic planning.  Educators should start day one with direct, logistic, and fun activities that consume the energy of the new students.  The objective is to establish a routine of expectations to guide academic instruction.

Instructional Issues are best addressed through the school's building-level committee when the teacher has exalted the treasure of antidotes learned in college or by experience.   Sometimes educators must seek the assistance of a colleague who can take a fresh look at the issue and give constructive advice.  Otherwise, contact the R.T.I., S.A.T., or S.S.T. committee in your school for more help.  If that does not resolve the concern please contact us, S.O.A.R. at soarwithrti.com

Administration  Issues may take many forms.  Sometimes educators must have some downtime to assess the best approach to an issue.  New teachers will often express frustration with their job placement within the school, veteran teachers may feel targeted when a large population of students that exhibit acting-out behavior is placed in their class.  There may also be an issue that involves the administrator directly and the teacher does not know who to turn to for a resolution.  This is a situation that definitely must be dealt with strategically.  The objective solution must always be; the most constructive, most beneficial, and most acceptable to all parties concerned.

Professional Development Issues should be an annual part of your professional career.   Efforts must be made to stay involved in new technology, scientific research-based instruction, and appropriate social media participation.  Educators should seek assistance from the school administrators to stay connected to professional venues that provide an array of opportunities. Active participation in professional education activities can assure knowledge and growth in federal legislation information you will need to be compliant with current laws.  Every Student Succeeds Act (E.S.S.A.) is one that every educator should know or start to review.