
Response to Intervention: RTI

History, Purpose, Definition, Referral, Scientific Research-based Instruction (SRBI), Academic and Behavioral Assessments

History:  R.T.I. was brought to the forefront by President George H. W. Bush in 2004.  In an effort to address the needs of failing students, he mandated the use of R.T.I. services through No Child Left Behind (N.C.L.B.) legislation.  In December of 2015, President Barrack Obama signed a new law that replaced N.C.L.B., called the Every Student Succeeds Act (E.S.S.A.) Purpose: The R.T.I. services would focus on students who did not qualify for special education, but did not have the skills to keep pace in the general education classroom.  The mandate required that schools provide before, during, or after school tutoring to meet the needs of these identified students. Educators are now faced with composing strategies to install the current E.S.S.A. law to address R.T.I. legislative requirements.

Definition:  R.T.I. is the process used by educators to address academic and behavioral issues students encounter in the general education classroom.  The process is initiated when a student is not successful in regular academics or may suffer some behavior issues that impact the student or others around him.  This is known as a Referral:  The referral would involve the written request by a concerned person seeking help for a student, usually a parent or teacher.

Scientific Research-based Instruction (S.R.B.I.):  S.R.B.I.'s are interventions that have been studied and used by educators that have proven to be helpful in addressing academic and behavior needs.  Academic and Behavior Assessment tools are used by specialists to determine the specific intervention needs of a student.

The S.O.A.R. consultants are specialists in R.T.I. implementation.  We specialize in bridging the gap between the No Child Left Behind legislation and the Every Student Succeeds Act as the new R.T.I.  initiative.  Go to our contact page to request professional development assistance with R.T.I. implementation.

For more information on R.T.I. visit:  www.interventioncentral.org